Mansour Kedidir


Kedidir Mansour is a graduate of the National School of Administration in Algiers (1974-1978) and holds a doctorate in political science (Lyon II University). He is a researcher and a professor at the High School of economics in Oran. Publications recently: “The African paradox”, African Review of book, -ARB-, vol 14, no. 1, March 2018; “On the history of Islamic scholarship in West Africa and its avatars”, African Review of book, - ARB-, vol 14, no. 2, Sept 2018.; “Connections of Maghrebin and Sub-Saharan Intellectuals: Trajectories and Representations”, in Religions, 2021/12-4), (; “The Hirak: marches for recognition”, Insanyat, January-June, 2020, no. 87-88, published by the Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology; “The policy of national reconciliation in Algeria: a security approach”, December 2021, in L’Année du Maghreb, no. 26, 2021.


Mansour Kedidir Cezayir Ulusal İdare Okulundan mezundur ve Lyonn II Üniversitesinden Siyaset Bilimi alanında doktorasını almıştır. Oran Ekonomi Yüksekokulunda araştırmacı ve profesör olarak görev almaktadır. Son yayınları şunlardır: “The African paradox”, African Review of book, -ARB-, vol 14, no. 1, March 2018; “On the history of Islamic scholarship in West Africa and its avatars”, African Review of book, - ARB-, vol 14, no. 2, Sept 2018.; “Connections of Maghrebin and Sub-Saharan Intellectuals: Trajectories and Representations”, in Religions, 2021/12-4), (; “The Hirak: marches for recognition”, Insanyat, January-June, 2020, no. 87-88, published by the Center for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology; “The policy of national reconciliation in Algeria: a security approach”, December 2021, in L’Année du Maghreb, no. 26, 2021.
