Sari Hanafi


Professor of Sociology, Director of Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies and Chair of the Islamic Studies program at the American University of Beirut. He was the President of the International Sociological Association (2018-23) and the editor of Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology (2017-2022). He is the author of numerous journal articles and book chapters on the sociology of religion; connection of  moral philosophy to the social sciences; the sociology of (forced) migration applied to the Palestinian refugees; politics of scientific research. Among his recent co-authored books are The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East  and Knowledge Production in the Arab World: The Impossible Promise and Studying Islam in the Arab World: The Rupture Between Religion and the Social Sciences. In 2022 he became a corresponding fellow of the British Academy.


Sosyoloji Profesörü, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies ve Beyrut Amerikan Üniversitesi İslami Çalışmalar Programı Başkanı. Uluslararası Sosyoloji Derneği Başkanı (2018-23) Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology (2017-2022) olarak görev yapmıştır. Din sosyolojisi; ahlak felsefesinin sosyal bilimlerle ilişkisi; Filistinli mültecilere uygulanan (zorunlu) göç sosyolojisi; bilimsel araştırma politikaları üzerine çok sayıda dergi makalesi ve kitap bölümü yazmıştır. Yakın zamanda birlikte yazdığı kitaplar arasında The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East  and Knowledge Production in the Arab World: The Impossible Promise and Studying Islam in the Arab World: The Rupture Between Religion and the Social Sciences isimli eserler vardır.
